And now? In 2017 we have Linux 3.4 reaching “end of life” and almost nobody will miss it. The A20 Banana boards are supported very well by mainline Linux (4.x) without any of those ugly Allwinner patches and blobs.

On the other hand we have several new boards in the “Banana family” and we are not able to provide hardware support for all of them. Debian 9 (Stretch) is also coming and we would have to rebase Bananian for the new Debian release. We (as the Bananian project) do not have enough time for those tasks.

So we have to announce that Bananian 16.04 was the last Bananian release ever.


Dann wenden wir uns ab heute mal vermehrt Armbian zu ;) Wie gut das ich da schon einen Anfang gemacht habe.

BananaPi - Armbian installieren

BananaPro - Armbian installiert


@Nico: Alles Gute für die Zukunft und ich bin sicher das wir uns nicht aus den Augen verlieren werden. 
