Um einen Snapshot wieder herzustellen brauchen wir den Namen (ID) des Snapshots und folgenden Befehl.

restic -r /tmp/repo restore -t /tmp/restore c38a4ceb

-r /tmp/repo ist der Pfad zum Backup - Zielverzeichnis

restore Befehl zum Auspacken des Snapshots

-t /tmp/restore Das Zielverzeichnis (Target)

c38a4ceb Der Name(ID) des Snapshots

Man kann sich zu den einzelnen Befehlen auch eine ausführlichere Hilfe anzeigen lassen.

restic restore --help

The "restore" command extracts the data from a snapshot from the repository to
a directory.

The special snapshot "latest" can be used to restore the latest snapshot in the

  restic restore [flags] snapshotID

  -e, --exclude pattern   exclude a pattern (can be specified multiple times)
  -h, --help              help for restore
  -H, --host string       only consider snapshots for this host when the snapshot ID is "latest"
  -i, --include pattern   include a pattern, exclude everything else (can be specified multiple times)
      --path path         only consider snapshots which include this (absolute) path for snapshot ID "latest"
      --tag taglist       only consider snapshots which include this taglist for snapshot ID "latest" (default [])
  -t, --target string     directory to extract data to

Global Flags:
      --cacert stringSlice       path to load root certificates from (default: use system certificates)
      --cache-dir string         set the cache directory
      --cleanup-cache            auto remove old cache directories
      --json                     set output mode to JSON for commands that support it
      --limit-download int       limits downloads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited)
      --limit-upload int         limits uploads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited)
      --no-cache                 do not use a local cache
      --no-lock                  do not lock the repo, this allows some operations on read-only repos
  -o, --option key=value         set extended option (key=value, can be specified multiple times)
  -p, --password-file string     read the repository password from a file (default: $RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE)
  -q, --quiet                    do not output comprehensive progress report
  -r, --repo string              repository to backup to or restore from (default: $RESTIC_REPOSITORY)
      --tls-client-cert string   path to a file containing PEM encoded TLS client certificate and private key

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